How to Design a Table

First it is best to come up with an idea for a table based on the function of the use, originality, and craftsmanship. Depending on your abilities, time, and money the variety of tables are vast. It is important that you begin by developing an idea that you feel comfortable and confident about completing. Make sure the idea for your table has a concept that is followed thoroughly through the design and is clear in the presentation.

Step One: Try and develop the main idea in your head about how it will function for all of the uses and then solve the solution without ever drawing a line. Develop the construction details in your head and then put them down fluidly onto your media. Sometimes I’ll work by drawing a 3d model first of the table and then work backwards by drawing the plan, section, and details all in one sitting.

Step Two: Check the design by reviewing all of the functions for the human proportions of use. Adapt the design as needed and review the quality of the construction and structural integrity. If necessary build a model to test any structural, proportional, or detail concerns that can be reviewed and adjusted to improve the final product.

Step Three: At this point you should have all the construction documents that you will need to build your design and you can now price. Breakdown a quantity of all of the components and add up any building hardware and tools that you may need. Adjust your design according and begin planning the construction steps necessary that can account for additional savings.

Step Four: Build your table! Good luck and be ready to make adjustments on the fly as necessary to achieve a sturdy finished table. Remember this is a prototype depending on your experience and the originality and complexity of the design of your table there may be complications that will require patience and troubleshooting.


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