
Showing posts from October, 2010

Architecture beyond Means.

I am always inspired when I see projects that are made from cheaper materials in 3 rd world countries that are Architecture. It is these inspired works that emphasize usually a single simple materials in a way that is so dynamic and thoughtful that it undermines expensive stylistic works some people consider architecture. Most recently I came across some work in bamboo by a group in an article from archdaily . Bamboo is a great material to work with as the company emphasizes the great steel like qualities on their website . I believe the use in a single material is a major success of their designs.  Most developing cultures use the physical materials around them to create complex designs that have amazing qualities that relate to their surroundings in a very organic way. Take for instance the Anasazi Indians of North America with their cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde . You can also see a very similar yet completely different integrate woven designs in stick hut